Recently, there was news that the children of Jakarta Police chief candidate, Budi Gunawan never get business financing in the form of debt amounting to Rp. 57 billion for the mining business and hospitality at the age of 19 years.
This transaction is considered fair by both the police and also by the House of Representatives.
Obtain funding from outside sources is a milestone celebrated success or minimal, grateful, especially by the founder for the first time to get funding.
Well I want to compare this news with funding standards obtained overseas founders when they were about 19 years old.
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
Zuckerberg completed the first version (Minimum viable Product / MVP) of Thefacebook on February 9, 2004,
The following are the figures obtained funding Mark Zuckerberg when he was 20 years old in 2004.
seed Funding
Seed funding is the initial capitalization for the company, usually a small figure, approximately $ 1,000 to $ 50,000 (100 million s / d 500 million dollars). People say this often comes from 3F (friends, family and fools!) Where the funds are usually used to focus on the manufacture of the products or looking for product-market fit condition (conformity of products with the needs of the market).
When Zuckerberg started the Facebook of his room, he needs funding to pay for hosting. A month after the launch he received funding of $ 15,000 (150 million dollars at the exchange rate of 10,000) of his classmates, Eduardo Saverin.
But his relationship with Eduardo Eduardo became cold and freeze his bank accounts. To keep up stand, Mark borrow money from his father, a dentist at $ 85,000 (USD, 850 million), of course with a variety of drama in the time of its establishment.
Angel Investors
An angel investor is the rich who invest into the company in its early years. Generally, an angel in the US invested $ 100,000 s / d $ 1 million dollars (USD 1 billion s / d 10 billion).
Around June s / d in July 2004 Zuckerberg getting funding of $ 500,000 (Rp. 5 billion with a rate of 10 thousand) from Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal.
David Karp, Tumblr
According to page CrunchBase, in 2007 Tumblr receive series A funding of $ 750,000 (Rp. 7.5 billion at the exchange rate Rp 10 thousand). When the 21-year-old David Karp. No information received seed funding Tumblr.
Taichi Murakami, Livesense, Japan
Taichi Murakami is the youngest founder managed to do an IPO (Initial Public Offering) or go public in Japan with (job site) at the age of 26 years
Read: What I Learned from Taichi Murakami, record breaking IPO youngest in Japan
Taichi start building Livesense while studying at the age of 18 and in college he got his first funding of family debt of (equivalent) Rp. 300 million.
Herviano Widyatama
Well, Herviano Widyatama obtain financing in the form of a loan of Rp. 57 billion of Pacific Blue International Limited in 2005 at the age of 19 years to build the mining business and the hotel. Some colleagues in Kaskus discusses the hotels in this link.
Funding for the hotel / mining and funding for technology business is different in terms of the number of digits and possibly stages through.
But large numbers acquired at a young age is an enormous number, if it is a reasonable figure, meaning the achievement of these young children at a young age has passed through a Mark Zuckerberg (150 million and 850 million), Taichi Murakami (300 million) and maybe Bill Gates.
Maybe sometime we can invite him to meetup Startupbisnis and recounts how to get funding from investors.
This transaction is considered fair by both the police and also by the House of Representatives.
Obtain funding from outside sources is a milestone celebrated success or minimal, grateful, especially by the founder for the first time to get funding.
Well I want to compare this news with funding standards obtained overseas founders when they were about 19 years old.
Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook
Zuckerberg completed the first version (Minimum viable Product / MVP) of Thefacebook on February 9, 2004,
The following are the figures obtained funding Mark Zuckerberg when he was 20 years old in 2004.
seed Funding
Seed funding is the initial capitalization for the company, usually a small figure, approximately $ 1,000 to $ 50,000 (100 million s / d 500 million dollars). People say this often comes from 3F (friends, family and fools!) Where the funds are usually used to focus on the manufacture of the products or looking for product-market fit condition (conformity of products with the needs of the market).
When Zuckerberg started the Facebook of his room, he needs funding to pay for hosting. A month after the launch he received funding of $ 15,000 (150 million dollars at the exchange rate of 10,000) of his classmates, Eduardo Saverin.
But his relationship with Eduardo Eduardo became cold and freeze his bank accounts. To keep up stand, Mark borrow money from his father, a dentist at $ 85,000 (USD, 850 million), of course with a variety of drama in the time of its establishment.
Angel Investors
An angel investor is the rich who invest into the company in its early years. Generally, an angel in the US invested $ 100,000 s / d $ 1 million dollars (USD 1 billion s / d 10 billion).
Around June s / d in July 2004 Zuckerberg getting funding of $ 500,000 (Rp. 5 billion with a rate of 10 thousand) from Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal.
David Karp, Tumblr
According to page CrunchBase, in 2007 Tumblr receive series A funding of $ 750,000 (Rp. 7.5 billion at the exchange rate Rp 10 thousand). When the 21-year-old David Karp. No information received seed funding Tumblr.
Taichi Murakami, Livesense, Japan
Taichi Murakami is the youngest founder managed to do an IPO (Initial Public Offering) or go public in Japan with (job site) at the age of 26 years
Read: What I Learned from Taichi Murakami, record breaking IPO youngest in Japan
Taichi start building Livesense while studying at the age of 18 and in college he got his first funding of family debt of (equivalent) Rp. 300 million.
Herviano Widyatama
Well, Herviano Widyatama obtain financing in the form of a loan of Rp. 57 billion of Pacific Blue International Limited in 2005 at the age of 19 years to build the mining business and the hotel. Some colleagues in Kaskus discusses the hotels in this link.
Funding for the hotel / mining and funding for technology business is different in terms of the number of digits and possibly stages through.
But large numbers acquired at a young age is an enormous number, if it is a reasonable figure, meaning the achievement of these young children at a young age has passed through a Mark Zuckerberg (150 million and 850 million), Taichi Murakami (300 million) and maybe Bill Gates.
Maybe sometime we can invite him to meetup Startupbisnis and recounts how to get funding from investors.