There are several reasons could doom the earth. That global warming is definitely not going to cause the apocalypse on earth. Global warming is causing the desert and coastal areas become hotter. But in fact, the temperature of the Earth heats up during the last 500 million years and life in it still be safe.
One cause is the fall of a giant asteroid apocalypse. Asteroids and comets have often fallen to earth with a variety of sizes and varying levels of damage. The largest was 100 years ago in Siberia. But because it falls in the uninhabited area then no deaths. Scientists continue to search for evidence of medium sized meteor that caused the destruction of a large area. Such events ever to hit New York in 30 BC, Canada at 11,000 BC and in the famous meteor crater in Arizona that occurred in the past 50,000 years.
Volcanic eruptions can also cause devastating catastrophe. There is evidence of dinosaurs destroyed not only because of the asteroids, but also because of the lava as it did in India. Even small eruptions can emit large amounts of dust and shut the sunlight and affect the climate. Eruption of Mount Pinatubo never make the planet cooler in 1991. Including when Krakatoa erupted in 1883.
Nuclear war could also lead to the end of life on earth. Currently the atmosphere begins to cool, but in the 1980s a nuclear war is a real threat.
The black hole that is in the universe and is a region of gravity without end, can also cause a major disaster. Black hole where light can not get out, first discovered in the 1960s. If the giant black hole approaching our solar system, the sun and other stars will change. Also changed the planet's orbit. Finally the sun, planets and asteroids will spiral into orbit around the hole and sucked berlahan one by one. That must happen is the earth apocalypse in 5 billion years. Earth has a trajectory increasingly closer to the sun.
Stars like the sun will turn red and enlarged at the end of his time. It causes the planets around it becomes scorched. The latest calculations, humans only have 1 billion a year to leave the Earth to other planets. While the estimated life of the existing forms 3.7 billion years, the meaning is the end of time.