Many outstanding information that the efficacy of honey was very good for health. But unfortunately many fake honey also outstanding. Then how to distinguish them?
In the community itself so many tips on how to distinguish between genuine or fake honey, but unfortunately some of them just a myth. Therefore, please read the how to characterize the characteristics of pure honey and the original below to find out the honey you buy are genuine or fake so do not be fooled twice.
Before discussing how to recognize genuine honey, let's look at the types of honeybees that generally can we encountered in Indonesia and after that the article will also discuss how to mix honey to the efficacy of honey can help our health.
Types ofHoney Bee
forest Bee(Apisdorsata)
bee type is the type of bee that can not be cultivated, generally living naturally in the forests of Sumatra, Java, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, and Nusa Tenggara.
Until now, the forest is a type of bee bees are important for Indonesia because of its contribution in the form of bee honey production is quite high, in addition to the activities of honey bees collecting forest is one of the opportunities for activities forest communities.
Local bee(Apiscerana)
A. cerana a local bee species are commonly cultivated by the rural community as a sideline activity. Although productivity is low, but the bee is very suitable to be developed to improve the welfare and nutrition community because it is easy to obtain and relatively low.
Little Bee(Apisflorea)
Apis Florea, is the smallest species spread from the Middle East, India to Indonesia. In Indonesia, people call it by wasps klanceng.
The existence of this bee into a scientific debate, because it is only found in museum specimens. While in the field, has never been reported to exist.
Bees Little / Small(Apisandreniformis)
bee type is similar to A. florea, to create a single nest in the bush - bush. This bee productivity is low and less economical seen from honey production. The spread of these bees were reported in Sumatra, Borneo, Java, Nusa Tenggara.
Red Bee(Apiskoschevnikovi)
bee type is slightly larger than A. cerana with reddish hair color, up to now not been commercially cultivated and spread found in Borneo and Sumatra .
Bee Mountain(Apisnuluensis)
bee type is also still being debated existence in Indonesia. So far it has been reported its presence in the highlands of Sarawak, but allegedly terdapoat also in Borneo. The size is almost the same bee A. cerana.
Sulawesi Local Bee(Apisnigrocincta)
bee type is similar to A. cerana and only in Sulawesi, just over a yellow body color.
Bees Without sting(Trigonaspp)
This bee is a bee native to Asia of the genus Trigona who have specific characteristics that honey produced has a sour taste, but is resistant to fermentation and are rarely moved and honey product prices higher than the honey bee products genus Apis.
Comparison Type Bee
Well after knowing some types of bees in Indonesia , it is time to determine the efficacy of honey and how to make it.