According to the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgeons, bad smell problems in the legs are usually caused by bacteria and fungi in the shoe, which enter through the skin.
1. Use of the foot Antiperspirant
Antiperspirants are cosmetic preparations used for the purpose of narrowing the pores, thereby reducing perspiration. Antiperspirant not only can be used to overcome the underarm odor, but also can be applied to cope with foot odor.
Antiperspirant serves to block the channel leading to the sweat glands. This helps prevent sweat from reaching the skin and helps reduce odors.
2. Wash feet with water and baking soda
Add a little baking soda to soap and water when you wash the feet. Baking soda will not reduce perspiration, but can reduce the amount of odor generated.
In addition to using it to wash your feet, baking soda can also be used for washing your shoes and socks. Baking soda will help absorb some of the unpleasant odor.
3. Zinc and Magnesium supplements
mineral deficiency can cause a variety of symptoms, including one that may surprise you. Shortage of certain minerals, such as zinc and magnesium, can cause increased body odor, according to scientists at Columbia University.
You can increase the zinc in your diet by eating foods such as beef, salmon, pumpkin seeds and yogurt.
The source of magnesium in the diet can be found on red rice, black beans and almonds. But before taking supplements, you should speak with your doctor first.
4. Wear cotton socks
If smelly feet has always been a matter of routine for you, use socks Katika shoes you are wearing. Without socks, sweat in the foot, usually will go directly to the shoe.
Socks help absorb sweat and can reduce the growth of bacteria in the shoe. Socks made of cotton or wool is the best choice, because both these materials absorb sweat better than nylon socks.
Make sure your feet are completely dry before cursing socks. Wear socks when wet can cause damp and trigger foot odor.
5. Use soap acne with Benzoyl Peroxide10 percent of
Giventhe bacteria is the main agent that causes foot odor, use antibacterial soap acne seems to help.
Look for acne soap with benzoyl peroxide content of 10 percent, which can reduce the bacteria.
Benzoyl peroxide works by slowly releasing oxygen active bacteriostatic effect also has a keratolytic effect and thus support the drying effects of the treatment.
6. Put the paper dryer inshoes
drying paper Puttingon the shoe may seem strange, but it can help absorb foot odor.
The dryer will help deodorize and keep your shoes smelling fresh still.
7. Use mouthwash
mouthwash (mouthwash) not only can make a fresh breath, but also can be used to keep your feet from getting too smelly. Soak your feet in water mixed with mouthwash once a day.
Mouthwash will help remove bacteria from your feet, in the same way as killing the bacteria in the mouth. If this strange enough for you, consider a foot rubbing with a cotton swab soaked in mouthwash.
8. Marinate feet with cornstarch
before wearing socks, you can sprinkle cornmeal on foot. Cornstarch can help absorb perspiration, which causes the odor.
Make sure your foot is completely dry before moisten it with cornstarch and do not forget to apply it on the sidelines of the toes.
9. Changing shoesas often as possible
Changing shoesas much as possible can help reduce foot odor. At the very least, try to avoid wearing the same pair of shoes two days in a row. When your shoes are wet from sweat, it takes several hours to completely dry.
Bonus: Cleaning your toenails of dirt
Everyone who looks clean is easy to look at. One part of the body that we rarely notice is foot health. How many people ignore hygiene leg?
Well if you have dirty fingernails and somewhat difficult to clean, you can use atoothbrush who are not used to help clean up debris in your feet.
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