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4 Effects of Too Often Drinking Liquor

Akibat Jika Terlalu Sering Minum Minuman Keras
Although not common in Indonesia, but this time found many people consume drinking. Whether it's a means to socialize and how to release stress. Because liquor containing alcohol in it, of course, capable of causing adverse effects to the health of the body.
Here are 4 Effects of Alcohol Drinking Too Often as reported from
1. AddictionWhen a person is drinking liquor in a long period of time, then he will be addicted. There will always be a desire to drink alcohol in larger quantities every day.
2. PoisoningBecause they contain a lot of chemicals in it, it is not likely you will suffer from alcohol poisoning. Some symptoms such as difficulty breathing, choking, and can cause death.
3. Short-term effectsThere are some short-term effects that can be caused by frequent drinking. Such as the difficulty to coordinate muscles, blurred vision, as well as blood pressure and blood sugar levels are low.
4. Long-term effectsIn addition to the short-term effects, there are some long-term effects that damage to multiple organs such as liver cirrhosis, kidney damage, stomach cancer, and infertility.
Well, that's 4 Effects of Too Often Drinking Liquor. In addition to the health hazards, other dangers are capable of endangering the health of the fetus and pregnant women. And do not ever consume liquor while driving as they can endanger the safety of you and others.

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